RoboCup 2024: Second Group Matchday

Heat Issues

Since none of our matches lasted longer than an hour, it can be said with certainty that this RoboCup is one of the smoothest in a long time. We survived the first two matches of the day well against LUHBots and KIKS, but the heat issues became more severe. Despite a lot of code for error detection and handling, as well as constant tweaking of the regulation, a drastic decision had to be made. As Dino so nicely put it: “We fight fire with saws.” The solution to the heat problem was to saw off unnecessary parts from all module connector boards. Subsequently, the boards were sanded to avoid sharp edges. Meanwhile, heatsinks had to be attached to all motor boards, and the shells were perforated with holes. This several-hour job, which involved almost the entire team, paid off. In the match against ZJUNlict, we did not have a single heat-related failure, and we performed better than any other participant in Group A against them.

Group Matches

After playing our first group match against RobôCIn yesterday, we had three more group matches today. We started the day with a balanced match against KIKS, which ended 1:1 due to an unfortunate last-second goal. We won our match against LUHBots at noon clearly with 2:0. The last match of the group phase was our match against ZJU, where we defended strongly but ultimately lost 0:1 to this really good team. The results of the group stage can be seen below.


Position Group A Group B
2 ER-Force Immortals
3 RobôCIn RoboDragons
4 KIKS Robo Team Twente
5 LUHBots


By finishing second in our group, we qualified for the knockout phase. Our next match is tomorrow at 11:30 against TIGERs Mannheim. Since we start in the upper bracket of our double elimination tournament format, we still have at least one more game even if we lose this match, allowing us to stay in the tournament.