RoboCup 2024: Arrival at Eindhoven

SATURDAY: 13.07.2024

Our journey was plagued by a police operation, confusion and delays by the DB, as well as the aforementioned train cancellations. For this reason, we arrived at the hotel around 5 PM, about an hour late. Despite everything, it was worlds better than the trip to Bordeaux. Conveniently, there was a restaurant right next door to feed 14 hungry ER-Force members after a 9-hour journey. After unpacking and setting up, we decided to unwind a bit and explore Eindhoven:

















SUNDAY: 14.07.2024

At 9:30 AM, hunger was great, so we set out to find breakfast. Since most cafes were too expensive and the bakery had little to offer despite open doors, most of us ended up at McDonald’s, where we discussed the day’s plan and the status of the various sub-teams. Back at the hotel, things quickly got underway, and some were surprised to find it was already 5 PM and time for the Journal Club – the ETDP discussion of other teams. This took place in the same spot as in the morning, but it was much fuller now. After 2 hours of discussion and a filling dinner, we went straight back to work on the robots, which lasted for some until 12:30 AM:















MONDAY: 15.07.2024

Full of anticipation for the hall, the tournament, and a bit more space to work, we set off around 8:30 AM. While most of the team brought the equipment into the hall and set it up, a small group went to get essential snacks and breakfast. At first, there was concern about getting the badges for entry. They were only available in the paperless RoboCup against a signed piece of paper, and we didn’t have a printer in our hand luggage. However, the procedure was fairly quick and painless. By now, everyone is strengthened, and the work on the robots is in full swing.

Fun Fact: The site of the ETDP discussion also featured a statue of Frits Philips, the founder of the Philips company, who lived to be 100 years old and witnessed both world wars.

RoboCup Eindhoven: Schedule

Now that the schedule for this year’s RoboCup is known, we don’t want to keep it from you!

As in previous years, the tournament begins with a group phase, where the teams from Group A (ZJUNlict, ER-Force, KIKS, RoboCîn, luhbots) and Group B (TIGERs Mannheim, Immortals, RoboDragons, RoboTeam Twente) each play against each other once. The group phase takes place on Thursday and Friday.

At the end of the group phase, a ranking list is created in both groups, and the actual knockout phase between the top three of each group will take place on Saturday and Sunday in the proven double elimination format. Since this tournament format is always a bit complicated to follow, we have created a match plan for you, noting which two teams will compete in each knockout game.

RoboCup Eindhoven: Arrival

After nearly a year, it’s finally time again: RoboCup 2024 is here, this year in the Dutch city of Eindhoven! Teams from all over the world and various leagues are currently traveling and will all try to claim first place in their respective leagues!

Of course, our team is also ready to go, and this morning 14 students from our team boarded a train in Nuremberg heading to Essen. What they didn’t know at the time: The train in Düsseldorf that would take them to Venlo doesn’t exist. This brings back memories of a popular meme from last year:

So, our travel group will likely arrive at the hotel in Eindhoven with an estimated delay of one hour and begin to take over the hotel rooms and floors for us and our robots. Starting next week, our team will be allowed into the hall!

By the way: Besides us, this year’s Division A will also feature teams ZJUNlict (China), KIKS (Japan), RoboCîn (Brazil), luhbots (Germany), TIGERs Mannheim (reigning world champion, Germany), Immortals (Germany), RoboDragons (Japan), and RoboTeam Twente (Netherlands). From experience, TIGERs Mannheim, ZJUNlict, and Immortals are particularly strong teams that we need to surpass!

German Open: Review

Now that the German Open, the second April tournament, has come to an end, we would like to take a brief look back at the event.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t win a trophy at this tournament either, but we gained valuable insights into our system and were able to significantly improve it towards the end. We started the tournament on Wednesday with completely new motor drivers and the associated problems, but we gradually got a handle on them.

It’s a pity that our last game on Saturday against TIGERs Mannheim was just a friendly match: If we had performed the same way the day before against Immortals, the tournament might have ended quite differently. But no matter: With the experiences and measurement data we were able to collect from this tournament, we can now enter RoboCup 2024 stronger and hopefully win big prizes there.

But the tournament was not only valuable for us: TIGERs Mannheim, Immortals, and Tritons also surely gained valuable insights. It’s a shame that Tritons couldn’t play in the end. It seems there is still some work to be done before real games can be played. All the more helpful that they had many opportunities at the German Open to exchange ideas with our team members and those of TIGERs and gather helpful input on how to solve the upcoming problems.

And finally, the tournament also seemed to be well received by the spectators: On the final day, the field was surrounded by visitors during both our friendly match and the final, eagerly following the game’s progress. Time and again, some children started chanting “ER-Force” – to such an extent that we had to assure TIGERs that we had not paid any of the spectators to be our cheering squad.

So we leave Kassel with the firm hope of being able to visit again next year when it’s time for RoboCup German Open 2025!

German Open: Finale: Immortals vs. TIGERs Mannheim

Now it is finally time: The final match of the German Open between TIGERs Mannheim and Immortals will take place shortly.

The livestream can be found as always on the YouTube page of TIGERs Mannheim.

First Half

05:00 And the game begins. TIGERs will play in yellow, while Immortals is the blue team.
04:25 After the ball was briefly in the TIGERs’ half, the tide quickly turns, and TIGERs begin a counterattack. This ends in Immortals’ goal, putting TIGERs ahead by one goal.
Immortals 0 : 1 TIGERs Mannheim
04:14 Another shot at Immortals’ goal, but this time the team can save it.
03:51 The pressure on Immortals does not let up. One shot on goal follows another, and at first, the defense holds. But eventually, it’s time: Goal for Mannheim!
Immortals 0 : 2 TIGERs Mannheim
03:34 That was somewhat sketchy for Mannheim standards: The ball placement wasn’t quite pretty, then they disturbed the opponent a bit, couldn’t shoot the ball accurately, and finally even kicked the ball out of the field. This earned Mannheim a yellow card, meaning they will play with one less robot for the next 2 minutes.
02:49 A strong back-and-forth on the field: Sometimes the ball is in TIGERs’ half, sometimes in Immortals’. But eventually, it ends up with Immortals – in their goal!
Immortals 0 : 3 TIGERs Mannheim
02:26 After some sluggish corners that Immortals unfortunately couldn’t place, it’s back to the attack for TIGERs. But Immortals can clear at the last second by deflecting the ball out of bounds.
02:20 A little outburst from the Immortals robots: Some of them spin quite quickly in circles, making the Immortals members a bit uneasy, but the problem seems to fix itself.
02:17 And now it’s time again: Eventually, the TIGERs robot manages to get past the Immortals’ defense and shoot the ball into the goal.
Immortals 0 : 4 TIGERs Mannheim
02:06 And immediately another successful shot on goal by TIGERs Mannheim. They increase their lead to 5.
Immortals 0 : 5 TIGERs Mannheim
02:05 The first substitution of the game: An Immortals robot has to come off.
01:55 Another shot on goal by TIGERs, but this time the ball is too high, so the goal doesn’t count.
01:15 And another goal by TIGERs Mannheim. The AI referee reports again that the ball is too high, but we doubt that. And indeed, the human referee decides: Goal by Mannheim!
Immortals 0 : 6 TIGERs Mannheim
00:28 Again a very nice and fluid game by both teams. No interruptions disturb the flow of the game. The Immortals bots fight against the goal threat for a long time, but eventually, it’s time for another goal by Mannheim.
Immortals 0 : 7 TIGERs Mannheim
-00:05 And of course, TIGERs often finish the first half with another shot on goal, so we go into halftime with a score of 8:0.
Immortals 0 : 8 TIGERs Mannheim

Second Half

05:00 And so the second half begins. The teams have switched sides, which is actually rather unusual in modern SSL games.
04:30 Still a fairly quiet game in the second half so far. Eventually, TIGERs start an attack, but Immortals simply shoot the ball out of the field.
04:13 Again, strong pressing by TIGERs Mannheim, but the ball just misses the goal.
03:55 And the pressing continues, but this time it doesn’t end well for Immortals: The ninth goal for Mannheim!
Immortals 0 : 9 TIGERs Mannheim
03:18 Although the ball lands in Immortals’ goal, it was obviously a chip shot. Therefore, the goal doesn’t count.
03:08 Indeed, a rare moment where TIGERs have to substitute a robot.
02:50 Strong defense by Immortals, but the pressure on them is still immense. Let’s see how long they can withstand the pressure.
02:40 Well, it didn’t last long. After a nice attack, it’s ironically the Immortals goalkeeper who deflects the ball into the goal. Thus, the game ends early at 10:0, and TIGERs Mannheim can now officially call themselves the German SSL champions!
Immortals 0 : 10 TIGERs Mannheim