RoboCup Crailsheim

The time has come on the first weekend in April: The RoboCup Crailsheim will take place in the Karlsberghalle in Crailsheim! We are looking forward to presenting our self-made robots to you and to playing exciting games against our friends TIGERs Mannheim, LUHbots (Hanover), RoboTeam Twente (Netherlands) and NAMeC (Bordeaux, France).

The tournament is a great opportunity to learn more about robotics and artificial intelligence at European universities and to see robots from some of the world’s best teams at play.

Come and experience exciting games and a unique atmosphere!

See you on April 1st and 2nd in Crailsheim!

Workshop February 2023

In order to get our robots fit for the upcoming games and tournaments and to assemble them, we held a workshop on the last weekend in February 2023.

On Friday afternoon, the work in the subteams started straight away. The construction and calibration of a playing field as a replacement for our currently unusable basement was particularly important on this day. The chair FAPS kindly provided us with an area in its hall. There we first had to roll out the carpet, set up the bands and attach our camera for the vision system to the ceiling. The vision could then be calibrated step by step starting in the evening, so that testing in the field could begin on Saturday. Finally, we let the evening end with a pizza we ordered together and talks.

Saturday started at 10 a.m. with a joint breakfast and a presentation of the work status and goals for the weekend. In electronics, for example, the weekend was all about soldering and testing new boards for the robot fleet.

In the firmware, work was mainly done on the firing logic and the regulation. This also required numerous test drives on the new replacement pitch.

In addition, the strategy team worked diligently on a numerical simulation of our shot. With the background information from the various areas of our team, we have set up a very extensive dynamic model. From this we want to derive improvements in the hardware and a more accurate model for the shooting behavior.

On Sunday we started again with breakfast together, before the projects were then pursued further in the individual sub-teams. In this way, many tasks could be successfully solved before the workshop ended in a cozy get-together in the afternoon.

Logo Robocup 2023 BordeauxAfter three years of postponement due to corona the time has finally come this year and the Robocup in Bordeaux can take place.

The first phase of the qualification ended at the end of January. In addition to our Team Qualification Paper, we also had to provide a qualification video in which we show the playful abilities of our robots.

In the next phase of the qualification, the team description paper is evaluated by other teams in a peer review process. Afterwards we have one last opportunity to improve the paper before the final decision on qualification is made.

Open Lab Day 2022

Are you interested in our robots or our association?

Then 27.10.2022 is exactly the right date for you, because this is when our workshop open day takes place.

You can find us on this day in U1.154 in the basement of the blue IT high-rise, at Martensstraße 3 on the TechFak. We will be well signposting this room this evening and you can come any time between 4pm and 7pm. Should changes be necessary due to the current situation on that day, we will provide up-to-date information here again.

We look forward to seeing you on October 27th. to see.

Over the past few days we have been able to play many exciting games against teams from all over the world. Despite the adverse circumstances that arose for all teams due to the corona pandemic, the semiconductor crisis and many other restrictions, the RoboCup 2022 was still an exciting tournament and a complete success.

After a successful semi-final match against RoboTeam Twente, we unfortunately lost in the final match to our friends from TIGERs Mannheim. Nevertheless, we are proud to have become Vice World Champion again this year!

Our team will remain in the “Land of Smiles” for the next few days to relax and do some sightseeing before we all return to Erlangen. There will certainly be many more exciting experiences for our members, but this is the end of our coverage of the tournament.

But as the saying goes: After the tournament is before the tournament! We’ll be back at RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux, France!