RoboCup Crailsheim: ER-Force vs. RoboTeam Twente

Directly after our game against TIGERs Mannheim, we continue with our third match of the day: ER-Force vs. RoboTeam Twente. We are, of course, hoping for a win here to secure a good starting position in the knockout phase on Sunday.

If we win this game, RoboTeam Twente will surely finish fourth in the group. Additionally, we are almost certainly second, as it is unlikely that luhbots will win against the world champion TIGERs Mannheim. The latter are already sure to finish first.

First Half

05:00 The game starts almost on time with a kickoff by Twente. In this game, there is again automatic game commentary from the speaker, which makes the game much more accessible.
05:00 Since we are not quite finished with our setup, we start the game with a timeout. Quickly checking if our AI is started in the correct mode, laptops are plugged in, and nothing else stands in the way of a victory before the game can really begin.
03:45 After Twente’s robots lose some parts, there is an emergency break by Twente, costing them a timeout.
03:30 The game goes on quietly, and a goal for us falls quite unobtrusively.
ER-Force 1 : 0 RoboTeam Twente
03:30 Twente uses the game interruption to take a timeout and check their robots.
03:24 And the goals keep coming: Once again, we successfully put the ball into the net, further extending our lead.
ER-Force 2 : 0 RoboTeam Twente
03:24 Even though we are currently scoring goals, the game is extremely leisurely and feels more like a Sunday game. It must be said, however, that we are currently testing a new motor control and new motor boards, so it was expected that the game wouldn’t be ultra exciting.
03:01 After questioning the loyalty of one of our robots, as it behaves more like an opponent’s robot, there is a robot substitution.
02:28 Initially, our 1 gives the impression of a great performance, successfully executing ball placement. But this impression is quickly dispelled when it botches the subsequent throw-in.
01:45 Maybe we should hang a net around the field: For no reason and to the great confusion of all our computer scientists, our robot chips the ball out of the field during a game pause. Definitely something we want to look into.
01:21 Now there are some camera problems. Already yesterday (technically this morning), the camera caused sleepless nights, as among other things, the yellow paper was not well recognized by the camera.
00:19 Our Spätzle has to be substituted due to knee injuries (= motor failure): Spätzle’s knees became as soft as… well, Spätzle.
00:03 Almost at the end of the first half, we manage to increase our score: a goal for us. But the goal doesn’t count, as we previously committed a double touch: our robot kicked the ball twice in succession without passing to a teammate in between. This is a foul.
00:00 Thus, the game goes into halftime. The game action wasn’t exactly grand, but at least it matches the amount of sleep most of our team members had last night.
00:00 The halftime is used to flash the robots anew.

Second Half

05:00 As our team members are still trying to get our robots a bit more up to speed by flashing them, but the halftime break is running out, we also start the second half with a timeout.
05:00 Since we are also running out of timeout, the second half starts just as leisurely as the last half ended. Since this game is our last for the day, we have more than enough time to tackle the problem calmly.
02:43 This half offers very few highlights: The ball moves very leisurely, the game is often interrupted by shots out of bounds by RoboTeam Twente.
00:57 The game is so boring right now that I didn’t even notice two goals being scored. Meanwhile, there’s already a discussion on how we can pimp our firmware to eventually compete against TIGERs. So far, however, our hardware gives the impression that we can expect significant improvements from a software perspective in the coming weeks, which is very positive. Regardless, two goals for us!
ER-Force 4 : 0 RoboTeam Twente
00:43 One last timeout for us to tweak the hardware a bit more.
00:06 We stylishly close the game with a final, fifth goal.
ER-Force 5 : 0 RoboTeam Twente

Reading the game might seem rather sobering, but we are fundamentally very happy with our robots’ performance. It was already expected that new hardware would not work immediately and that only a limited amount of manpower could be devoted to designing new motor board firmware and motor control over a weekend. All the more, we are pleased that the robots run so well and reliably. This becomes even more understandable considering that we only received our new motor boards five days ago and thus could hardly test them.

Additionally, our HBC radio has so far only shone on the large field; radio problems are now officially a thing of the past, both on the small Division B fields and the large 12x9m² Division A field, much to our delight.

Since we are now almost guaranteed to be second place, we will probably not have any mandatory games today and will instead play our next game tomorrow afternoon.

Note: The above information is based on the public communication of the organizer. Our club is not the organizer of the tournament and therefore cannot independently verify the information.